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Please follow my blog to track my progress as I train with Team in Training to run in the San Antonio Rock and Roll half marathon while fundraising money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society! My goal is to raise $3000 by October 29, 2010.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

My Misadventures at the San Antonio Airport

I began my day at 4:30 am. I woke up, got ready in my Team in Training Practice Jersey and then I left with my grandmother to the Airport. We left about 10 minutes late (at 5:10am) and arrived at the San Antonio Airport at about 5:25am. I feared that I might be late to my first Saturday Team in Training practice, which started at 5:45am, but I did my best to stay calm.

"Its ok, Julia," I thought to myself, "you can get your granny checked in and safely off and then get to the run. You may miss the 5:45am annoucementments, but you'll be there by 6am, when the actual run starts."

With renewed confidence, I park my car in short term parking and walked with my granny to the terminal. When we arrived, I realized my error - we were at Terminal 1 but needed to be at Terminal 2. "No worries, I am sure we can get there from here," I said to my granny...but really it was for my benefit.

We went up the escalator and realized that there was no way to get to Terminal 2. The TSA guy said go down the escalator, out the doors and to the right....so we went down the escalator...and then, I thought, "Maybe we need to go down two escalators..." Why did I think this? I have no clue...but so we did go down two flights and found ourselves in the parking gargage.

"Oops," I said, "Lets go back up." That's when I realized that my Granny was not really all that talented at getting on and off the escalator...all our journeying was surely taking its toll on her. So I said loudly, "I'm sorry granny, I've never dropped someone off like this...so I don't really know where to go."

That is when a nice airport employee directed us towards Terminal 2 - out the doors, down a long sidewalk and through some construction that has been there for years. So, we made it to Terminal 2...only to find an entire flight of Airmen in line to check in for their flights.

"Oh, my God," I said very loudly, "We are never going to make it!" That is everyone, including all of the dashing uniformed men looked straight at me. Yes, me, Julia up on a Saturday morning before the Sun, with her humidty fried hair in a poofy ponytail while styling her white, purple and green shirt with matching pink shorts. Any hopes I had at finding my one true love today vanished...

I'd like to say that these Airmen took pity on us and sent us to the front of the line...but that would be a lie. No, we waited behind them all and we finally made it to the counter a little before 6am.

The check in process was seemless. I showed my granny her iteniary and said, "Be sure not to lose this as it has all your flight information." She nodded in agreement, I hugged her and wished her a safe trip.

Then I was off, running down the outdoor corridor, through the construction and back to my Termninal 1 Parking spot. But that is when I discovered that I did not have my keys with me and I was still clutching my granny's iteniary in my hand.

Soooo, I ran back to Terminal 2 and breathlessly informed a TSA agent that I left my keys at the counter. He said I could go get them. I asked if someone could take my granny's iteniary to her, but they said no, there was not enough time - which I didn't understand since her plane didn't leave untill 8:50 and it was 6am. But I have seen enough movies to know that you do not argue with Airport employees. So, I let it go. She had her boarding pass and would not need her iteniary again until she returned. With keys in hand, I ran back to my car in the Terminal 1 parking spot and left at 6:05am.

Even though I was late, I made it to the Team in Training practice by 6:15am. I ran 2 miles in about 30 minutes and I had a blast!

I got to meet and talk with several people and I don't think I ever said "Go Team!" so much in my life....but I guess I had better get used to it as they say it all the time...along with ringing a cowbell...I asked if they could use a more feminine sounding bell such as windchimes. They said they'd get on that.

So that was my morning. Tomorrow I'm having a letter stuffing party to get my fundraising letters sent. Until then, Go Team!

Training Log for Week One:

  • Mon, Jun 7: Ran 2.9 miles at Walker Ranch Park in 37 minutes (13 minute mile)
  • Tues, Jun 8: Ran 4.2 miles on the San Antonio Riverwalk in 58 minutes (14 minute mile)
  • Wed: Jun 9: Ran 2.6 miles at Brackenridge Park. Saw my friend Lindsey from the R.U.N. Group. She cheered me on and I finished strong. Did the run in 38 minutes, so about a 14 minute mile.
  • Sat: Jun 12: Ran 2.2 miles on St. Mary's Street in downtown San Antonio. Was 30 minutes late but still finished strong. Did the run in 34 mintes, so about a 15 minute mile.

    Now I am going to take a nap!


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